“You are your deep driving desire.” 

Jenny DuFresne

This quote inspires me and is my touchstone.  It guides my actions and sometimes is the urgent light in a time of confused darkness.  I often use it to guide my behaviors and decisions.

Through the twists and turns of my professional career, I have sought to fully hear and embrace my “deep driving desire.”  

For 10 years, I served in the U.S. Marine Corps. My passion for leadership and developing leaders was sparked. The Marine Corps taught me that leadership is not a title. Leadership is an inside job. Leadership is the intentional growth of traits, habits, and behaviors that bring out the best in me and in others.

This early career experience stayed with me as I transitioned into new careers. My nearly 20-years in corporate, government, and nonprofit sectors showed me the power and influence leaders wield—for better or worse.

I learned powerful lessons in my leadership roles. One powerful lesson is rarely taught. Self-care is overlooked and underdeveloped in leaders. A leader’s lack of self-care is harmful to the leader and her team.

I learned that leaders—especially women—must be as committed to radical self-care as they are to the climb. We can be both successful, but only with awareness and commitment.

I learned this the hard way. There was a time when I pushed myself so hard and made so many sacrifices that I lost everything. I nearly lost my life. 

Today, my mission is to support leaders to bridge the chasm between achieving success and caring for the Soul. I believe asking the question, “What is your deep driving desire?” is a guidance system to keep us on a track where we lead whole, healthy, and happy lives.

From Empty to Overflow: 5 Radical Actions Women Leaders Use to Rejuvenate, Grow Profits, and Inspire People.

Explore the five glorifications that keep you exhausted, depleted, and stressed out.

In this book, I lay out out five radical actions you can use to create happy, harmonious, and joyful life.

My diverse leadership and small business ownership experience gave me unique insights into the demands and needs faced by women in diverse leadership roles.